Episode 57: Mindfulness

When we think about being “mindful” we often think about being calm. Kind. Compassionate. All that might be a byproduct of mindfulness but that isn’t mindfulness, itself. In fact, sometimes being mindful might require being assertive. Sharp. Even cruel on the surface...

Episode 58: Work with a Capital “W”

David Whyte, in his book The Three Marriages, talks about how there are three commitments we hold as central in our lives: our work, a relationship to a significant other, and the relationship we foster within ourselves. In this episode, we will talk about that first...

Episode 60: Being a Part of the Solution

There is no doubt that we are in uncertain times right now…but the thing is – WE ALWAYS WERE. It’s just that now it is being presented to us directly. So how can we navigate these times effectively (not just surviving it, but being a part of the solution). And beyond...

Episode 61: Collaboration and Leadership

What makes a country…GREAT. In looking at this pandemic meets economic question mark, I’ve definitely been preoccupied with that idea. It’s easy for some of us to look to countries like China and say “daaaang. They really know how to pandemic. Why...